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About Us

We specialize in training in the Information Technology area and always believed that training is a key strategic element; this is why we have been engaged since 1986 in the spreading of the IT culture both in Italy and Europe at the highest level.

Since the beginning we believed that to become an international reference point in the IT training business some fundamental requirements were to be met:

Our Attention to Strategic Subjects

We have always been engaged in detecting the subjects which require a special in depth analysis from the users. This effort allowed us to be the first in Italy:

and the same for Client/Server, the Business Process Re-Engineering, the Rapid Prototyping and many other subjects.

Our Collaboration with the Leading IT Experts

During all these years we have been working with world-reknowned experts who have influenced the IT industry. For more information about our speakers please refer to the "Speakers" area of our web site.

The Result of Our Work

Nowadays we are able to measure exactly the results obtained so far: in fact during all these years thousands of IT professionals from the most important Italian and European corporations have chosen our services for the quality, the reliability, and the seriousness they have always pursued.

Towards the Future...

Regardless of the results obtained up to now, we "did not rest on our laurels" by keeping on in detecting the most important subject matters.

If you consider training as a know-how investment, keep on following us, even giving your suggestions and specific interests.

About Us - Technology Transfer